Biographical Sketch of
Josephina Zamarripa
Double click here to add text.Josephine “Fina” Zamarripa spent her life encouraging education for all. Although she loved school, she had to leave junior high school due to prejudice. Committed to education, Zamarripa earned her GED while raising her thirteen children alone, as her husband had died when she was only 36. Despite being a single mother, she volunteered at school events, served on the PTA, and was recognized for her community contributions by both Brooke Elementary School and Allan Junior High School. Zamarripa served as a Model Cities commissioner, advocating for sidewalks, streetlights and proper drainage in her area. She joined the board of PODER (People Organized in Defense of Earth and her Resources), and often spoke in favor of zoning rollbacks and efforts toward affordable housing at local boards and commissions. In addition to raising her own children, all of whom graduated from high school, 8 earned bachelor’s degrees, and 2 earned law degrees; she finished raising her younger brother John Trevino, Jr., the first Mexican American elected to the Austin City Council who became Mayor of Austin, and their younger sister when their mother was injured in a car wreck. Zamarripa passed away in 2021.